Children's Day at Infantry Centre

Thailand Children's DayOn Saturday 10 January 2009 in the morning, Chief Commander of Infantry Centre Major General Niwat Meenah-Yotin together with his military staff and school teachers has arranged Children Day on the field in front of Ratchata School.

At 08.00 a.m. Colonel Samast Kong-sai Head of Military Operation and Information Section in his speech said that every year Infantry Centre organize Children Day. This year many government sections and private individuals have supported this event. They have provided toys, cakes and electronic equipment for kids. Member of the parliament Khun Charmchai  Sri-on has presented ten picnic mattresses for camping.

Chief Commander of Infantry Centre Major General Niwat Meenah-Yotin has thanked everybody for organizing Children's Day at Infantry Centre. He has welcomed all the children and parents and has hoped that both will have plenty fun.

There were many activities taking place. During one of them about fifty boys and girls have performed group modern dance. Next group of children have demonstrated their fighting skills using bamboo and swords. During military campaign against Burma in the past Thai women were fighting using swords (Bang-ra-jan Camp). There was also Thai boxing show. Once all the activities were finished Major General Niwat Meenah-Yotin together with military officers and invited guests gave prizes to the children.

Thailand Children's Day Thailand Children's Day
Thailand Children's Day Thailand Children's Day
Thailand Children's Day Thailand Children's Day
Thailand Children's Day Thailand Children's Day
Thailand Children's Day Thailand Children's Day
Thailand Children's Day Thailand Children's Day

Reported by Khun Tuck Dechapanya

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