This page provides information on how the mobile website is structured and how it can be navigated.
- Navigation
As you navigate through the website navigation bar just under the main banner will indicate where you are. By clicking links on the navigation bar, you will be able navigate faster through the site.
- Root directory
In the root directory is located home page of the site (, contact page for sending e-mails to webmaster and help file
- Main directories
The mobile website has following main directories:
Hua Hin Activities
Hua Hin Apartments for rent
Hua Hin Attraction
Hua Hin Directory
Hua Hin Festivals
Hua Hin Hotels
Hua Hin Information
Hua Hin Maps
Hua Hin National Parks
Hua Hin News
Hua Hin Photos
Hua Hin Pubs
Hua Hin Restaurants
Hua Hin Tours
Hua Hin Transportation
Hua Hin Villas for rent
- Inside Directories
Where appropriate inside directories you will find info page , page with photo and page with location map . Photos and maps are seperated from the info page in order to allow faster loading of the pages and reduce amount of data being downloaded through your mobile phone.
- Bookings
You can make booking on the mobile site throught enquiries forms inside following directories: Hotels, Tours, Apartments for rent and Villas for rent.
- Exchange Links
Travel / Hotels sites can exchange links with our site.
- Follow us on Twitter
You can follow us on at