Whether on business or holiday, Baiyoke Sky Hotel provides comprehensive services : travel / tourist service, booking confirmation, foreign exchange, sightseeing tour, limousine service, business center with full range of modern equipment, computer, facsimile, internet, e-mail service, courier service.
Variety of in-house food, beverage, entertainment and relaxation facilities. Elegant, fully equipped Rainbow Hall is the ideal venue for conferences and receptions up to 1000 persons.
Bangkok Sky Restaurant is locatrd on 76th & 78th floor. Highest International Smorgas Board breakfast in town, which is serving a wide variety of European, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Muslim, Vegetarian and Thai food. Buffet Breakfast is served from 05.30 - 10.00 hours. Daily lunch & dinner, including free admission to the Observation Deck and Sky Walk. Enjoy the panoramic view of Bangkok and enjoy the tasty delights of our International buffet. Be entertained and have fun with the "Robot", the "Joker" and much more entertainment.