Jungle survival and Orienteering |
How about finding yourself in the middle of the thickest, deepest jungle, left alone with nothing else but your brain! How would you survive? Being the average, nowadays, human being, only a mere percentage would probably manage to survive through it!
Ever considered experiencing this very unique situation, and learn about all the tricks to survive in the mean jungle? Well this might be the exciting program you are looking for! We, at H.A.T , are providing a safe and reliable program, guided by professionally trained jungle experts!
We are offering an ultimate survival jungle "know how" And after you're done with it you will realize that the jungle isn't that mean after all, when you understand its very core. This is an intense 2 days 1 night in the deep jungle. H.A.T is also dedicated to safety, although our challenges are very demanding we always bear in mind our customers' security. So we ensure that we always have an emergency evacuation plan ready, and that all communication's equipment is always with us throughout the journey.
You'll be going through this journey along with our very reliable staff, who will be sharing with you some of the knowledge of the great unknown! To know and to understand the jungle is the first step to overcome the fear.
In order to remain cleared brain, one has to think straight to take the right decisions to solve the immediate problem. H.A.T 's staff will teach you how important it is to be aware of what surrounds you, and you'll soon find out what are the dos and don'ts in surviving the jungle.
How to save your energy, where do you get your food from? Through this course, you'll be doing a lot of trailing, trekking, mountain escalating and rock climbing. We've got an exciting and intensive program, and the H.A.T team considers that this challenge is one of the ultimate we could offer in that respect.
You will have to use all of your stamina and willpower to keep you going at the right gear! The every day life's simplest tasks become an adventure in the wilderness, so the search for water and food becomes a most challenging one. Our staff will guide you as how to avoid potential dangers, and they'll also teach you how orientation can be achieved with nothing but the sun and some other clues that Mother Nature provides us. As you'll be spending a night in the jungle you'll have to set up a camp, in the safest location possible.
Through this course you will positively gain and develop self-confidence and imagination. You'll get a sense of, that all, we, human beings fear, is always due to a lack of understanding. Knowing this concept makes it easier to get through life.
Do you think you could take up the challenge? Would you dare? If you think that the " H.A.T " fits you, well go on then and put it on !!!
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