Tourism Authority of Thailand |
The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) was established on March 18, 1960, the first organization in Thailand to be responsible specifically for the promotion of tourism.
TAT supplies information and data on tourist areas to the public, publicizes Thailand so as to encourage Thai and international tourists to travel in Thailand, conducts studies to set development plans for tourist areas, and co-operates with and supports the production and development of personnel in the field of tourism.
Since the inception of the first local office of TAT in Chiang Mai in 1968, there are now 22 local offices throughout Thailand. TAT has also established many overseas offices the first being the New York office in 1965. TAT has since established 15 more offices in different parts of the world during the past 30 years.
TAT Head Office
Tourism Authority of Thailand
1600 New Phetburi Road, Makkasan, Rajatevee, Bangkok 10310
Tel: (66) 2250 5500 Fax: (66) 2250 5511
Email : center@tat.or.th
TAT Tourist Information Counters
In Bangkok you can find TAT Tourist Information Counters at the following locations:
Tourism Authority of Thailand
1600 New Phetburi Road, Makkasan, Rajatevee, Bangkok 10310
Open Monday-Friday : 08.30-16.30 hrs.
Tourism Authority of Thailand
4 Ratchadamnoen Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10100
Open daily : 08.30-16.30 hrs.
Arrival Hall , Terminal 1, Bangkok International Airport
Tel : (66) 2504 2701-2 Open daily 08.00-24.00 hrs.
Arrival Hall, Terminal 2, Bangkok International Airport
Tel : (66) 2504 2703, 2535 2669 Open daily 08.00-24.00 hrs.
TAT Call Center 1672
Operation hours 08.00-20.00 hrs.
Los Angeles USA
611 North Larchmont Boulevard, 1st Floor,
Los Angeles, CA 90004, U.S.A.
Tel: (1 323) 461 9814
Fax: (1 323) 461 9834
E-mail: tatla@ix.netcom.com
New York USA
61 Broadway, Suit 2810 New York,
N.Y. 10006, U.S.A.
Tel: (1 212) 432 0433
Fax: (1 212) 269 2588
E-mail: info@tatny.com , tatny@tat.or.th
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Suite 22.01 , 22 nd Floor, Menara Citibank, 165,
Jalan Ampang , 50450 Kuala Lumpur , MALAYSIA
Tel: (60 3) 216 23480
Fax: (60 3) 216 23486
E-mail: sawatdi@po.jaring.my , tatkul@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam Singapore
C/o Royal Thai Embassy, 370 Orchard Rd.,
Singapore 238870
Tel: (656) 235 7901
Fax: (656) 733 5653
E-mail: tatsin@singnet.com.sg , tatsin@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Singapore, Indonesia, The Philippines
Hong Kong China
1601 Fairmont House,
8 Cotton Tree Drive,
Central, HONG KONG
Tel: (852) 2868 0732, 2868 0854
Fax: (852) 2868 4585
E-mail: tathkg@pacific.net.hk , tathkg@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Hong Kong, Macau Taipei
13 th Floor, Boss Tower,
No.111 Sung Chiang Road,
(Near Nanking East Road Junction)
Taipei Taiwan
Tel: (886 2) 2502-1600
Fax: (886 2) 2502-1603
E-mail: tatpe@ms3.hinet.net , tattpe@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Taiwan
Beijing China
Rm.902, Office Tower E1, Oriental Plaza,
No.1 East Chang An Avenue,
Dong Cheng District,
Beijing 100738. CHINA
Tel: (86 10) 85183526-29
Fax: (86 10) 8518 3530
E-mail: tatbjs@tat.or.th , tatbjs@sohu.com
Area of Responsibility: PR China (except Hongkong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan) & Mongolia
Tokyo Japan
Yurakucho Denki Building,
South Tower 2nd Floor, Room 259,
1-7-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 100-0006, JAPAN
Tel: (81 3) 3218 0037, 3218 0355
Fax: (81 3) 3218 0655
E-mail: tattky@tattky.com , tatky@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Northern Area of Honshu Island: Tohoku, Kanto, Hokkaido Island
Osaka Japan
Technoble Yotsubashi Building ,
3 rd Floor, 1-6-8 Kitahorie, Nishi-ku,
Osaka 550-0041, JAPAN
Tel: (81 6) 6543 6654, 6643 6665
Fax: (81 6) 6543 6660
E-mail: info@tatosa.com
Area of Responsibility: Southern Area of Honshu Island: Kinki, Chugoku, Chubu
Fukuoka Japan
EL Gala Bldg., 6th Floor,
1-4-2 Tenjin, Chuo-ku,
Fukuoka 810-0001, JAPAN
Tel: (81 92) 725 8808
Fax: (81 92) 735 4434
E-mail: tatfuk@tattky.com , tatfuk@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Kyushu Island, Shikoku Island, Okinawa
Seoul South Korea
Coryo Daeyungak Center Building,
Room No.604, 6th Floor, 25-5, 1-Ka,
Chungmu-Ro, Chung-Ku,
Seoul 100-706, KOREA
Tel: (82 2) 779 5417, 779 5418, 771 9650
Fax: (82 2) 779 5419
E-mail: tatsel@kornet21.net , tatesl@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Republic of Korea
Sydney Australia
2 nd Floor, 75 Pitt Street,
Sydney, NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA
Tel: (61 2) 9247 7549
Fax: (61 2) 9251 2465
E-mail: info@thailand.net.au , tatsyd@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific
London UK
3 rd Floor, Brook House, 98-99
Jermyn Street, London SW1Y 6EE , ENGLAND
Tel: (44 207) 925 2511
Fax: (44 207) 925 2512
E-mail: info@tat-uk.demon.co.uk , tatuk@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: United Kingdom, Ireland, South Affrica, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the Middle East: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Oatar, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E.
Stockholm Sweden
Drottninggatan 33 GF,
111 51 Stockholm , SWEDEN
Tel: (46 8) 700 56 90
Fax: (46 8) 700 56 99
E-mail: info@tat.nu , tatsth@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzberkistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyz, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Frankfurt/M Germany
Bethmann Street 58,
D-60311 Frankfurt/M., GERMANY
Tel: (49 69) 138 139 0
Fax: (49 69) 138 139 50
E-mail: info@thailandtourismus.de , tatfra@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Swizerland, Liechtentein, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Macedonia, Albania, Czech Republic
Paris France
90 Avenue des Chamjps-Elysees,
75008 Paris, FRANCE
Tel: (33 1) 5353 4700
Fax: (33 1) 4563 7888
E-mail: tatpar@wanadoo.fr , tatpar@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
Rome Italy
Via Barberini 68, 4th Floor, 00187 Rome, ITALY
Tel: (39 06) 420 14422, 420 14426
Fax: (39 06) 487 3500
E-mail: tat.rome@iol.it , tatrome@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Swizerland, Liechtentein, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Macedonia, Albania, Czech Republic
Thailand North
Region 1
105/1 Chiang Mai-Lomphun Rd.,
Amphoe Mueang, Chiang Mai 50000
Tel: 66 5324 8604, 66 5324 8607, 66 5324 1466
Fax: 66 5324 8605
E-mail: tatchmai@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Chiang Mai, Lamphun, Lampang, Mae Hong Son Region 2
448/16 Singhakhlai Rd.,
Amphoe Mueang, Chiang Mai 57000
Tel: 66 5371 7433, 66 5374 4674-5
Fax: 66 5371 7434
E-mail: tatchrai@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Chiang Rai, Phayao, Phrae, Nan
Region 3
209/7-8 Sures Trade Centel,
Boromtrailokanat Rd., Amphoe Mueang,
Phitsanulok 65000
Tel: 66 5525 2742-3, 66 5525 9907
Fax: 66 5523 1063
E-mail: tatphlok@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Phitsanulok, Phetchaburi, Sukhothai, Uttaradit Region 4
193 Taksin Rd.,
Tambon Nong Luang,
Amphoe Mueang, Tak 63000
Tel: 66 5551 4341-3
Fax: 66 5551 4344
E-mail: tattak@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Tak, Phichit, Komphaeng Phet
Thailand Central Region
Region 1
Saeng Chuto Rd., Amphoe Mueang,
Kanchonaburi 71000
Tel: 66 3451 1200, 66 3451 2500
Fax: 66 3451 1200
E-mail: tatkan@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Kanchonaburi, Nakhon Pathom, Samut Prakan, Samut Sakhon Region 2
500/51 Phetchakasem Rd.,
Amphoe Cha-am, Phetchaburi. 76120
Tel: 66 3247 1005-6
Fax: 66 3247 1502
E-mail: tatphet@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Phetchaburi Cha-am, Ratchaburi, Prachuapkhirikhan
Region 3
609 Mu 10 Phre Tam Nak Rd.,
Tambon Nong Prue, Amphoe Bang Lamung,
Chon Buri. 20260
Tel: 66 3842 7667, 66 3842 8750
Fax: 66 3842 9113
E-mail: tatchon@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Chon Buri (Pattaya) Region 4
153/4 Sukhumvit Rd. , Amphoe Mueang,
Rayong 21000
Tel: 66 3865 5420-1, 66 3866 4585
Fax: 66 3865 5422
E-mail: tatryong@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Rayong, Chanthaburi
Region 5
100 Mu 1 Trat-Laem Ngop Rd.,
Tambon Laem Ngop, Trat 23120
Tel: 66 3959 7255, 66 3959 7259-60
Fax: 66 3959 7255
E-mail: tattrat@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Trat and Its Islands Region 6
108/22 Mu 4, Amhoe Hra Nakhon SI Ayutthaya,
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya. 13000
Tel: 66 3524 6076-7
Fax: 66 3524 6078
E-mail: tatyutya@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Saraburi, Ang thong, Suphan Buri, Pathum Thani, Nonthaburi
Region 7
Rop Wat Phrathat Rd., Amphoe Muealng,
Lop Buri 15000
Tel: 66 3642 2768-9
Fax: 66 3642 4089
E-mail: tatlobri@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Lop Buri, Nakhon Sawan, Uthai Thani, Chai Nat, Sing Buri Region 8
182/88 Mu 1 Suwannason Rd.,
Tambon tha Chang, Amphoe Mueang,
Nakhon Nayok 26000
Tel: 66 3731 2282, 66 3731 2284
Fax: 66 3731 2286
E-mail: tatnayok@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Nakhon Nayok, Sa Kaeo, Prachin Buri, Chachoengsao
Thailand Northeast
Region 1
2102-2104 Mittraphap Rd., Tambon Nai Mueang,
Amphoe Mueang, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000
Tel: 66 4421 3666, 66 4421 3030
Fax: 66 4421 3667
E-mail: tatsima@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Nakhon Ratchasima, Buri Ram, Surin, Chaiyaphum Region 2
264/1 Knaun Thani Rd., Amphoe Mueang,
Ubon Ratchathani 34000
Tel: 66 4524 3770, 66 4525 0714
Fax: 66 4524 3771
E-mail: tatubon@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Ubon Ratchathani, Amnart Charoen, Si Sa Ket, Yasothon
Region 3
15/5 Pracha Samosorn Rd.,
Amphoe Mueang, Khon Kaen 40000
Tel: 66 4324 4498-9
Fax: 66 4324 4497
E-mail: tatkhkn@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Khon Kaen, Roi Et, Maha Sarakham, Kalasin Region 4
184/1 Sunthon Wighit Rd., Tambon Nai Mueang,
Amphoe Mueang, Nakhon Phanom 48000
Tel: 66 4251 3490-1
Fax: 66 4251 3492
E-mail: tatphnom@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Nakhon Phanom Sakon Nakhon, Mukdahan
Region 5
16/5 Mukmontri Rd., Amphoe Nueang, Udon Thani 41000
Tel: 66 4232 5406-7
Fax: 66 4232 5408
E-mail: tatudon@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Udon Thani, Nong Bua Lamphu, Nong Khai, Loai
Thailand South
Region 1
1/1 Soi 2 Niphat Uthiit 3 Rd., Hat Yai,
Songkhia 90110
Tel: 66 7423 1055, 66 7423 8518, 66 7424 3747
Fax: 66 7424 5986
E-mail: tatsgkhl@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Songkhia (Hat Yai), Satun Region 2
Samam Na Mueang, Ratchadonaen Rd.,
Amphoe Mueang, Nakhon Si Thammarat 80000
Tel: 66 7534 6515-6
Fax: 66 7534 6517
E-mail: tatnksri@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Nakhon Si Thammarat, Trang, Phatthalung
Region 3
102/3 Mu 2 Tambon Kaluwa Nuea,
Amphoe Mueang, Narathiwat 96000
Tel: 66 7351 6144, 66 7352 2411, 66 7352 2413
Fax: 66 7352 2412
E-mail: tatnara@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Narathiwat, Yala, Patrani Region 4
73-75 Phuket Rd., Amphoe Mueang,
Phuket 83000
Tel: 66 7621 1036, 66 7621 2213
Fax: 66 7621 3582
E-mail: tatphket@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Phuket, Phang-nga, Krabi
Region 5
5 Talat Mai Rd., Baan Don, Amphoe Mueang, Surat Thani 84000
Tel: 66 7728 8818-9
Fax: 66 7728 2828
E-mail: tatsurat@tat.or.th
Area of Responsibility: Surat Thani, Chumphon, Ranong