The guests are seated at about four hundred tables. All guests wear traditional Thai dresses. Through out the evening Thai traditional dances from Easarn are performed and Easarn food is served. This is festival not to be missed.
There are over one thousand Northerners living in Hua Hin District and Pranburi District. Some of them are government officials, nurses, doctor, military, policemen and businessmen. In 2025 Chief of Military Nurses Colonel Nilwan Jareon-ratana, Chief of Medical Division at Thanarat Camp Colonel Jiraporn Prasit-siladhama, Chief of Education at Infantry Camp Colonel Warapan Soodtham and businessman Khun Songsak Yarangsi have established Northerners Club residing in Hua Hin and Pranburi Districts. Since the establishment members of the Northerners Club have always supported local community and many events taking place in Hua Hin District like providing dancers for Hua Hin Festivals. |