On Tuesday 17th September 2008 in the morning at Naresdamri Room at Hua Hin Municipality took place Hua Hin Assembly Meeting. President of Hua Hin Assembly Khun Pathom Pukdum has opened meeting for the third quarter of the year. Sixteen item were on the agenda of the meeting. Lord Mayor Khun Jira Pongpaibul has presented many projects which require budget approval for year 2008. One of the items on the agenda was improvement of water supply in Hua Hin District. There is an urgent need to improve water supply to Kao Tao Village which is located 12km south of Hua Hin as in this area number of Housing developments are taking place. Problem at Hua-Na Village located near large reservoir was also discussed. There is demand each day of thousand cubic meters of water but at present the supply of water is only five hundred cubic meters per day. There is a need for a new water plant. During discussion member of the opposition Khun Santad Suksri has opposed these plans. Vice Mayor Khun Atikhun Bootying has explained to the opposition that it is absolutely necessary to go ahead with those two water project and eventually members of the opposition gave in and the budget for those two projects was approved. Another point discussed was problem with school project. Member of the opposition Khun Udom Duangkae has started the discussion. He said construction of a new school building went wrong and currently students have no school, because the old building school has been knocked down and the new building is not ready yet. Vice Mayor for Educational Dr. Roonglos Siluengswasdi has explained that the previous Hua Hin Mayor should not have started knocking down of old building school until the new building was build. The budget set by the previous administration was not big enough and not even one contractor has bid for this job. Now the new Hua Hin administration team has to deal with the problem. Dr. Roonglos that appropriate temporary place for students will be found immediately and the new school building project will be finished as soon as possible. After meeting has finished Lord Mayor Jira Pongpaibull spoke to journalist. He said that previously in the opposition there were three groups and now there are six groups and the opposition in the Hua Hin Assembly. With more groups at the assembly more different points of view are presented. This will be beneficial and will help improve Hua Hin Municipality management. He said that he want to hear also points of view of Hua Hin residents. Vice Mayor Atikhun has explained the reasons why fresh water cannot be transported from Pranburi Dam at the moment. The first reason is that water cannot be transported via 60 cm diameter asbestos pipe and the main pipe running from the reservoir has been punctured and therefore water is escaping through the whole and the water move to Hua Hin is slow. This problem has been escalated by rapidly growing demand in the Kao Tao area. A new water plant will be build near Hua-Na Village as budget for water supply improvements has been approved. Reported by Khun Tuck Dechapanya The material featured in this article is subjet to copyright protection and is protected by the Copyright Laws. A copyrighted work may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or publicly displayed without the consent of the author or copyright owner. Any unauthorized use of this website or any of its contents, in whole or in part, shall be considered copyright infringement. It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided by the copyright laws to the owner of this copyright. Khun Tuck Dechapanya does not give permision for any other websites and persons to copy or republish any part of this article. |