In the past, after finishing primary school children would need to go to Bangkok in order to receive further education. Nowadays Hua Hin has become an education center. There are currently many secondary schools and universities located in and around Hua Hin. HM the King has opened the Commerce School and Occupation College. Less privileged students can learn various professions like: welder, machinist, hairdresser, tailor, chef, floweriest and other. Many female students learn their new professions there. In close proximity to Hua Hin are located Ratchapat Petchaburi University, Ratchapat Suan-Dusit University, Sripatum University and Technology Ratchamongkol University. Hua Hin has also Education Centre run by university. This allows Hua Hin residents to study locally. Many government official, policemen, soldiers and staff of Hua Hin's companies have chance to takes further education at the Hua Hin Education Center. Most adult students study public administration, business and judicial jurisdiction. In addition at the center there are Thai language and cooking classes for foreigners living in Hua Hin. The Vice-Rector of the Ratchpat Petchaburi University Khun Rawiwong Sritongroong has helped open four education centers: in Hua Hin, in Prachuakhirikhan town, in Tab Sakae District and in Bang Saparn District. Reported by Khun Tuck Dechapanya The material featured in this article is subjet to copyright protection and is protected by the Copyright Laws. A copyrighted work may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or publicly displayed without the consent of the author or copyright owner. Any unauthorized use of this website or any of its contents, in whole or in part, shall be considered copyright infringement. It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided by the copyright laws to the owner of this copyright. Khun Tuck Dechapanya does not give permision for any other websites and persons to copy or republish any part of this article. |