Hua Hin Mayor gives traffic signs to Hua Hin Police

Hua Hin Traffic PoliceMr. Jira  Phongphaiboon, the Hua Hin Mayor and the deputy Mayors were present during the ceremony of handing over 30 traffic signs and 26 barriers (THB. 99,580) to the Hua Hin Police Station represented by Pol.Col. Kasana  Jaemsawang, the Hua Hin Superintendent and Pol. Lt. Col. Samer  Yusaran, Trafic Police Inspector. The handing over ceremony took place in front of Hua Hin Minucipality, on Wednesday 25th June  2008. 

The Superintendent has thanked Mr. Jira for his support towards road safety. These traffic signs will improve safety of Hua Hin’s motorists. All signs given by the Mayor will be installed in various places in order to warn motorists to be more careful when being on a road and to reduce accidents. 

The Superintendent has expressed his concern that there are still motorbike riders which break the traffic rules by not wearing a helmet. Some teenagers remove mirrors from their motorbike because they think that their motorbikes look nicer, without thinking, that riding without mirrors poses safety hazard to them and other road users as they are not able to see other vehicles behind them. 

Traffic Police Inspector Pol. Lt. Col. Samer Yusaran has said that at present there are only 30 traffic police officers, working 8 hours per shift on rotating bases. They set up check-points on various roads to stop car drivers or motorbike riders who break traffic rules. The signs and barriers donated will help improve the situation on Hua Hin’s roads.

Hua Hin Traffic Police Hua Hin Traffic Police
Hua Hin Traffic Police Hua Hin Traffic Police

Reported by Khun Tuck Dechapanya

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