On Wednesday 24 September 2008 in the morning at the Infantry Corps Chief Commander Major General Niwat Minayotin, infantry soldiers, forty one retired generals and invited guest took part in the Infantry Day celebrations. Chief Commander and Under-Secretary of Ministry of Defense have presided over the ceremony. Infantry soldiers are the backbone of Royal Thai Army Force. The infantry corps is regarded as operational troops who must be prepared for tactical deployment in any location at short notice. In wartime this means that they will be among the front line troops facing the enemy. At about 9am ten monks have said prayers after which General Winai Patiyakul an Under-Secretary of Minister of Defense has offered dry food and utensils for the monks. After receiving blessing from the monks General Winai Patiyakul has presented prizes for 18 infantry battalions from 9 divisions. Then video presentation was shown showing history of Thai infantry. At 11:00 military parade has started at the airfield in front of the retiring generals standing on the podium. Several battalions with armored cars and light tanks took part in the parade. After parade Chief Commander of Infantry Centre has invited all generals and guests for lunch at the Army Club. Reported by Khun Tuck Dechapanya The material featured in this article is subjet to copyright protection and is protected by the Copyright Laws. A copyrighted work may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or publicly displayed without the consent of the author or copyright owner. Any unauthorized use of this website or any of its contents, in whole or in part, shall be considered copyright infringement. It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided by the copyright laws to the owner of this copyright. Khun Tuck Dechapanya does not give permision for any other websites and persons to copy or republish any part of this article. |