Governor opens garden to commemorate HM the King's 80th Birthday Anniversary

Hua Hin King's GardenOn Friday 07 December 2007 Governor of Prachuab Khiri Khan Province Khun Prasong Pitulkisja, Hua Hin Chief District Officer Khun Prasit Boonlokit, head of Puyaibarn Village, Abbot of Huay Mongkol Temple Pra Kru Papatsara Vorapinit, government officers and municipality staff took part in the opening ceremony of garden commemorating HM the King's 80th Birthday Anniversary.

Khun Prasit Boonlikit said in his speech that Hua Hin District wanted to commemorate HM the King's 80th Birthday Anniversary. It has been decided to build King's Garden. Abbot Pra Kru Papatsara Vorapinit has donated 300,000 Baht Dole Thailand company has donated 100,000Baht for this garden.

Khun Prasong Pitulkisja has thanked everybody for coming to the opening ceremony and for their financial support for construction of the garden.

After speeches, Abbot Pra Kru Papatsara Vorapinit has blessed the sign commemorating HM the King's 80th Birthday Anniversary.

Hua Hin King's Garden Hua Hin King's Garden
Hua Hin King's Garden Hua Hin King's Garden
Hua Hin King's Garden Hua Hin King's Garden
Hua Hin King's Garden Hua Hin King's Garden

Reported by Khun Tuck Dechapanya

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