On Tuesday 19 December 2008 in the afternoon at Silpakorn University Dr Uthai Dulyakasem, and Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ranu Vejaratpimol Ph.D have arranged seminar. The seminar was attended by 29 persons. Dr. Uthai has presented 19 points agenda for discussion and review. Each person took part in the discussion on how to use art and culture to promote well-being of the communities. Happiness is very important in people's life. Every Thai should know Thai culture and customs. Dr. Uthai spoke how to listen to young people's opinion. There is a need of better undertanding what students require and to improve relationship between young and old. He also spoke about application of science to promote well-being of the people in the communities. At the end of the seminar Dr. Uthai has thanked everybody for taking part and for excellent presentations. He thought that the seminar has been successful. After the meeting Dr. Uthai said that, he has invited the leading members of the communities around the campuses to meet and discuss the ways in which the University may best serve the communities. More than 30 members were attending the meeting and they were from Bangkok, Nakorn Pathom, Suphanburi and Prachuabkhirikhan. These individuals had a very interesting background. Some were from academic circle while others were from business and NGO‘s sectors. They whole-heartedly accepted the invitation and were willing to assist Silpakorn University in all aspects which both parties agree upon. Many of them have had contact with the University in some capacity before. After a long interesting and serious discussion, it was concluded that for the time being, the University should focus on two possible projects as both projects could be integrated and comply with the University’s disciplines, namely, (1) the application on art and culture to promote well-being of the communities, (2) the application of science to promote well-being of the people in the communities. It was also emphasized that the undertaking of these projects should be done in line with ethical and more moral principles, in addition, in process of this undertaking, the participation of the community members, the University staff as well as the students should be strongly encouraged. The ultimate goal of this undertaking in to help facilitate the interactive learning process for everyone involved. It is highly expected that the positive impact on the life and well-being of the members of the communities would be achieved, leading to a better society in the future. Even if the University has some limitation in the number of the projects, its outcomes would be disseminated via different channels to a wider public to stimulate similar undertaking in other communities around Thailand. The cooperation between the University and the members of the communities to cooperate and to launch this initiative is very rare within the academic circle. It is therefore hoped that this contribution from all these intellectuals from all walks of life will encourage other Universities as well as the communities to follow. If that is the case, we may rather do this attempt as a “Getting to Maybe”
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