Sukkasart Institute of Healing Arts is now on the 8th month journey , and will hope to seeing more to the world on the month of 9th in September, we have taking a very inspiring month of August with Cornelius Chan on colorfool workshop, it was a great fun workshop for everyone, I am quite amaze that I could look at the color for body, mind and spiritual journey as well as other tools, and make you aware that how is color could imprint our lives, I have took this chance to be colorful for Sukkasart symbolic, and for some of you that missed this workshop Cornelius will be back by early next year. Our Wednesday meditation group keep create the ripple of positive energy, as the group has spread out and reach to other liked- mined people, we are working on different tools to calm our mind and hope that we could up- lifted all of us to the next level with supporting of our group, we are looking forward to seeing you to be part of this ripple on August 12th and 19th at 6.30 pm. Since the healing vibration has rising up, anyone whom seeking on their spiritual development, Katherine Lena Moore, our Reiki Master will offer her Reiki I class on August 13th, this is a class for everyone from amateur to spa profession and healing profession. For next coming on September, we have visiting practitioner: Henri-noel Venturini for Vibrational Medicine course and private healing session, as well as Brigitta Dunki and Eric Faider for Body Harmony introductory class and private session, and our resident Reiki Master Katherine Lena Moore for Reiki I and II, it is indeed timeline healing of the 9th month, and Open house meditation on September 19th, prepare yourself and join us the celebrate the 19/09/2009. For more information please send e-mails to or visit Reported by Dr. Buathon Thienarrom Ph.D. The material featured in this article is subjet to copyright protection and is protected by the Copyright Laws. A copyrighted work may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or publicly displayed without the consent of the author or copyright owner. Any unauthorized use of this website or any of its contents, in whole or in part, shall be considered copyright infringement. It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided by the copyright laws to the owner of this copyright. |