On Thursday 08 January 2009 in evening President of the Tai Sin Community in Hua Hin Principal Chen Kau Hua has welcomed members of Tai Sin Community, Hua Hin residents and Hua Hin Lord Mayor Jira Pongpaibul to the New Year celebrations. In total about ten thousand Tai Sins from Prachuapkhirikhan and Phetchaburi province have arrived for the New Year celebrations. There was a group of Tai Sins from Kuiburi District dressed in traditional costumes who took part in the Singto dance (lion dance). They have paid respect Lord Mayor Jira Pongpaibul. He then took to the stage and has thanked Khun Chen Kua Hua for organizing New Year celebrations for Tai Sin Community. He has wished all Tai Sins Happy New Year. Next to the stage was invited Khun Tuck Dechapanya. He too wished everybody happy and prosperous New Year 2009. During New Year celebrations there were many shows; Thai dance, Li-ke singing, ‘Yaem-sa-so’ presented by Tai Sins from Phetchabury Province. ‘Yaem-sa-so’ was about the story of Jikong Gotama who was played by actor Khun Sakdavith Yaem-sa-so. In the story Jikong Gotama said that a New Year is coming so everyone have to do good things in their lives, think good, do good and try to help those who need help. He compared bad people to the lotus under water. Tai Sins need to be good like the lotus above the water. Principal Chen Kua Hua has been the President of the Tai Sin Community for over 20 years and during all those years he has provided moral guidance to Tai Sins. There are more than 100,000 Tai Sins leaving in Thailand. The New Year celebrations have ended at 5 a.m. Reported by Khun Tuck Dechapanya The material featured in this article is subjet to copyright protection and is protected by the Copyright Laws. A copyrighted work may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or publicly displayed without the consent of the author or copyright owner. Any unauthorized use of this website or any of its contents, in whole or in part, shall be considered copyright infringement. It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided by the copyright laws to the owner of this copyright. Khun Tuck Dechapanya does not give permision for any other websites and persons to copy or republish any part of this article. |