On Wednesday 29 October 2008 in the evening at Dusitar Room at Wing 5 Senior Group Captain Ardnarong Tonsuwanarat, Chief Commander of Wing 5 and Wing 5 officers have arranged friendly party for the mass media from Prachupkhirikhan Province. To the party were invited members of many local newspaper, television, FM stations, and local radio broadcasting station. Among local newspapers were Hua Hin Sarn, Hua Hin Today, Hua Hin Hotline newspaper, Naewna newspaper, Daily News, Pracgoup News. One of the highlight of the party was when Senior Group Captain Ardnarong sang many songs. He sang so well and the guest asked him to sing more songs. The party was very well organized and guest were well looked after by Chief Commander. The party has been finished at 11pm. Reported by Khun Tuck Dechapanya The material featured in this article is subjet to copyright protection and is protected by the Copyright Laws. A copyrighted work may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or publicly displayed without the consent of the author or copyright owner. Any unauthorized use of this website or any of its contents, in whole or in part, shall be considered copyright infringement. It is illegal for anyone to violate any of the rights provided by the copyright laws to the owner of this copyright. Khun Tuck Dechapanya does not give permision for any other websites and persons to copy or republish any part of this article. |